Take your BID to the next level

This questionnaire has been designed to show BID’s like yours their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve. Built on the power of proximity, Local Life is the local places platform and the only platform you need to increase footfall, gather accurate data, and create a thriving community of businesses.

Becoming a trusted presence among members in a time of great uncertainty for small businesses can lead to untold opportunities. We’ve devised a simple BID evaluator to highlight where your BID is already performing well and any areas we think we’ll be able to help you strengthen your offer.

Ready to Level Up?

Take our free questionnaire to find out how your BID is performing. Simply choose the answers that best reflect your current offer and we’ll send your results straight to your inbox.

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It’s so simple to list your business on Local Life.

Just answer some questions, add some pictures and we’ll do the rest!